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Teaching At Her Undergrad

Rachel Alvarado

An Interview with Raissa Zuim Dantas de Souza

How does it feel?

"It’s pretty cool. Definitely more exciting than I thought it’d be. More work on me because I designed the course and there are no other professors or TAs. Making decisions on how flexible or tough to be can be difficult. But also, I’ve been a student and I know how schedules can be. Overall, I'm enjoying it!"

Did you imagine you’d be here?

"I never considered teaching before even though I was an SI or TA. Throughout my experiences,I enjoyed helping others understand topics. It’s about having the knowledge and confidence in yourself. Teaching is a comfort spot. I get to serve the school I graduated from. I’m definitely where I’m supposed to be. I also get to work with IINSPIRE!"

What advice do you have? What made you pivot?

"Take the most out of every opportunity! When COVID happened, my MCAT was canceled. It gave me the time to breathe and work on my things. I got to start Breaking Barriers! I got to dissect and ended up teaching and doing so much more that ultimately gave me the skills for teaching and now I have a job!"

How did LSAMP impact you?

"The boosted me! They put me on track. Dr. McKinney, Candice, and Lisette helped me develop confidence and professional skills. Their constant encouragement set me up to be who I am and someone I’m really proud of."

Interview by Rachel Alvarado

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Queenster N
Queenster N
Aug 16, 2021

I completely agree, Myra! Support system are so vital! You never know where a door will lead until you walk through it. I look forward to updates on what it's like to teach at your undergraduate institution!


Unknown member
Aug 02, 2021

WOW talk about full circle! Very excited for you and this next part of your journey.

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